EarlyEdU in the News

EarlyEdU in the News

Articles and Publications

teacher working with a class of young children

Broader, Deeper, Fairer: Five Strategies to Radically Expand the Talent Pool in Early Education

Ashley LiBetti, Bellwether Education Partners
Cody Kornack, National Head Start Association
Learn how the EarlyEdU Alliance supports members as they build accessible pathways to affordable and effective higher education opportunities and degrees to meet the need for a growing number of early childhood educators. Our work is dependent on strong partnerships that support innovation. In this report, we relate stories from several states and IHEs that are leveraging EarlyEdU resources to increase access to affordable, effective, and relevant coursework and degrees for the ECE workforce.

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student and teacher work together at a table

2020 Report: Early Educator Preparation Landscape

Early Educator Investment Collaborative

EarlyEdU Alliance raises the bar for post-secondary early childhood coursework by providing high-quality courses and resources to two-year and four-year institutes of higher education. These free and customizable courses allow institutions to offer scalable preparation opportunities for students and faculty.

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A childcare provider and two children are testing if objects are sink or float on a paper chart hanging from an easel.

EarlyEdU Alliance® Paper 1: Issues and Impact

The EarlyEdU Alliance® is working to address a range of barriers that early care and education professionals face when pursuing degrees, including: affordability, access, relevance, effectiveness and connection. The EarlyEdU Impact Papers provide an in-depth description of the EarlyEdU approach and impact.

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teacher helps to children measure the length of a benth with a yellow measuring tape

EarlyEdU Alliance® Paper 2: Stories from the Field

Learn how the EarlyEdU Alliance supports members as they build accessible pathways to affordable and effective higher education opportunities and degrees to meet the need for a growing number of early childhood educators. Our work is dependent on strong partnerships that support innovation. In this report, we relate stories from several states and IHEs that are leveraging EarlyEdU resources to increase access to affordable, effective, and relevant coursework and degrees for the ECE workforce.

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A childcare provider reads a book while children surround her to listen.  One boy is wearing a birthday cake crown.

EarlyEdU Alliance® Paper 3: Lessons Learned from Across the Nation

The EarlyEdU Alliance addresses a critical challenge: to ensure that early care and education providers and educators are equipped with theoretical knowledge and effective practices to nurture close to 13 million U.S. children ages 0-5. In this third impact paper, we share survey results detailing faculty and student feedback about the implementation of EarlyEdU resources and the benefits and challenges of engaging in competency-based coursework, new learning technologies, and field-based learning.
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Childcare proivder reads a a book in the reading corner while two chidren sit on her lap and listen.

Free Online College Courses Serve as a Game-changer for Early Childhood Educators


Learn how Utah’s partnership with EarlyEdU has improved the pre-k classroom for children and increased professional opportunities for educators.

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Two adult women sit at a table looking at each other.  One women is holding a piece of paper in her hand.  They are in a childcare setting.

When Degree Programs for Pre-K Teachers Go Online

New America

Featuring EarlyEdU Alliance, this article ties together education policy, early and elementary education policy, and learning technologies.

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A childcare pover and three children sit on the floor while the childcare provider reads a book. One child is sitting on her lap.

Teach, Watch, Learn in Learning Professional

EarlyEdU Alliance® members continue to change teacher preparation by putting early childhood theory and evidence-based practices into action. “Teach, Watch, Learn,” an article in Learning Professional, describes the use of video coaching in EarlyEdU college courses.

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A shot of a laptop screen with the Coaching Companion site up.  A women is typing on the laptop.

The Promise of Video-Based Coaching in Transforming the Early Childhood Workforce

Explore supporting coaching using video and online tools that are grounded in topical research and relevant case studies. Early childhood leaders, researchers, and policymakers have been looking for innovative professional development approaches that lead to mastery and use of effective teaching practices. Coaching has emerged as a promising approach, and video-based coaching holds particular promise. The Coaching Companion™, a web-based video sharing and feedback platform, brings meaningful and accessible coaching to fruition.

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Video Archive

A screenshot of a women looking down at her open laptop with the words 'When Degree Programs for Pre-K Teachers Go Online' typed out.

When Degree Programs for Pre-K Teachers Go Online

New America

Video archive of Dr. Gail Joseph, Founding Director of EarlyEdU Alliance and panelist for New America: When Degree Programs For Pre-K Teachers Go Online.

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