Quality Field Experiences


Quality Field Experiences

Opportunities to observe, practice, and reflect upon inclusive teaching strategies is essential for supporting educators in learning how to provide care and instruction for each and every child. The checklist tools below can be used to support supervisors in examining field placements with a specific lens for inclusion.

Materials to use in coursework and lectures

A group of children and an adult sitting together outside and interacting.

Indicators and Elements of High Quality Inclusion

This document from the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center and the National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations outlines and defines a set of 9 indicators of high quality inclusion in early childhood care and educational settings.

View Outline PDF

A teacher writes with a pencil.

Supervisors Guide: Member of the Class

This tool, created by the Head Start Center for Inclusion, can be used to guide supervisor’s observations with an intentional focus on inclusive practices and environments.

View Supervisors Guide

A teacher writes with a pencil.

Expanding your Program's Inclusive Field Placements

This resource includes ideas for how to identify and make initial connections with potential community partners that could serve as field placement sites.

View Field Placements PDF

A teacher writes with a pencil.

Building Collaborative Partnerships with Community Programs

This resource includes ideas for how you can initiate and maintain reciprocal relationships with field placement sites that honor what each partner can teach each other.

View Collaborative Partnerships PDF

A teacher writes with a pencil.

Inclusive Classroom Reflection Tool

This resource is drawn from the 12 Key Practices for High Quality Early Childhood Inclusion, and provides a framework for reflecting on what practices mentor teachers and field placement sites are already using, and potential goals for development. This tool, in combination with the 12 Key Practices for High Quality Early Childhood Inclusion article can be used to foster conversations between programs, instructors, and mentor teachers to help enhance student's opportunities to see inclusive practices in action and create more inclusive spaces for young children.

View Reflection Tool PDF