The Case of Nonprofits: NPOs’ Partnerships, and their Role in Shaping Early Childhood Education Policy in Washington State

The Case of Nonprofits: NPOs’ Partnerships, and their Role in Shaping Early Childhood Education Policy in Washington State

Developed by the EarlyEdU Alliance at the University of Washington

Two infants are lying on their tummies with an educator. One infant is looking at the educator. One infant is looking at the other. There are infant toys on the mat nearby.


The essential nature of early childhood education has become more visible throughout and now after the crisis of the COVID-pandemic. Many challenges of early childhood education were highlighted during the pandemic, including the fragmentation of the system, an unstable workforce, families’ lack of access to high-quality learning environments, and lack of connection between families and allied services. Many actors help advance ECE policy and tackle these issues. Among those are nonprofit organizations (NPOs). NPOs have a long-standing history in the United States and constitute a considerable sector working toward ameliorating challenges in early childhood care and education. This case study explores the role NPOs have played in shaping early childhood policy in Washington State by looking at:

  • the public-private partnerships that developed the state’s Quality Rating and Improvement System, Early Achievers,
  • the impact of these efforts and advocacy work.

Use this Case study for Early Childhood Cases

Instructors teaching an Early Childhood Policy course can use this case study to:

  • Provide an overview of the historical, political, and social contexts influencing nonprofit organization development in the United States.
  • Understand how the nonprofit sector can change ECE policy.
  • Understand public-private partnerships and the possible outcomes of a successful one.
  • Invite students to think critically about the role of nonprofit organizations in education.

Other Details

Publication Date: January, 2025
Pages: 18
Setting: United States
Language: English