The Case of Nonprofits – Conclusion and Special Thanks

The Case of Nonprofits: NPOs' Partnerships, and their Role in Shaping Early Childhood Education Policy in Washington State


The pathway that led to the development of Early Achievers was long and winding, not without its share of challenges. However, Washington State's well-established QRIS is the result of collaborative efforts from many actors who continue implementing the policy. The distinctive nature of NPOs, their historical role in addressing societal needs, and their deep connections with the communities they serve significantly contributed to the collaborative development of this policy. In this case, nonprofits and the government, despite different perspectives and priorities, were able to work together to create a system that will continually improve in providing high-quality early learning for all the children in Washington.

Special Thanks

We want to recognize the following individuals who contributed to this case study:

  • Albert Wat, Senior Policy Director, Alliance for Early Success
  • Nicole Rose, Assistant Secretary Early Learning, Washington State Department of Children, Youth and Families
  • Deanne Puffert, Chief Executive Officer, Child Care Aware of Washington
  • Juliet Taylor, Deputy Director, Cultivate Learning